Monday, 1 March 2010

Terry vs Bridge

hello everybody and before i start talking about my topic i'd like to say a big thank you to a Mister William Wivell (sorry if surname is incorrect) because william has reminded me about my blog and i will pay more attention to it in the future so thank you Will. Right onto my subject of this blog, It happens to be a footballing subject because that is one of my passions in life as some of you may know. So as you can see from the title im gonig to talk about the feud between the Chelsea captain John Terry and Manchester City player and ex team mate of Terry's, Wayne Bridge. Now this all started when a court injunction was lifted about the private life of these individuals and it turns out that Terry had an affair with Bridge's ex, now this obviously cause Bridge to become upset about this and rightly so, Bridge and his ex have a child together so ofcourse they'd be distressed but it doesn't end there because Bridge's ex has come out and denied everything but Terry hasn't so it's slightly confusing to say the least. Well this was roughly a month ago and i'm only writing about this now because on saturday lunchtime Chelsea and Manchester City played eachother, so as both teams lined up just before the match ready to shake hands and ofcourse there was a lot of hype about whether Bridge would shake hands with Terry and bets were being put on aswell with pretty good odds if i may say, so it came ot the handshake and Bridge was towards the end of the Manchester City line and as it went along the line everybody shook Terry's hand but then it came to Bridge and well they stared at eachother but did not shake so that was the end of that. Now this is where my main point of this blog ( sorry if i'm waffling but there was a fair bit of background knowledge you needed to know) In the week leading up to the match Bridge decided to effectively retire from international football because he can't play with Terry, now normally I would normally respect his decision but becausethe World Cup is in the summer and he was likely to be the main left back because of an injury to Ashley Cole, who himself seems to be bed hopping as they say but thats a seperate topic, so now Fabio Capello ( England Manager) has a problem because the 2 best left backs in the country are unavailable so it's not good and thats why I dont respect Bridge for that but i also think that Terry has done something incredibly stupid because he to has 2 kids and it's not a good situation for them to be brought up in so I sympathise with all the innocent people involved like the kids, so anyway i'll call it at an end there before you all fall asleep and i hope to have a new blog in the near future.


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